Shane Miller's Blog
"My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" -Jesus Christ
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Christian? What is that?
I have been thinking about the image of Christians in this country and around the world. What do people think about when they hear the word “Christian?” Do they think about that man or woman yelling into a microphone on TV? This person for sure does not appear normal. They yell and shout the “blessings” and the “mightiness” of God. With the crowd yelling back the preacher seems to catch the energy and seems to get louder and put greater emphasis on the pronunciation of his words.
What about the bull horn guy that stands on the steps of the Student Union at the college campus? When people hear the word “Christian” do they think of this man who yells at the crowd a message of sin and hell?
What about the person who stands on the street corner holding up the “God hates fags” sign? As people drive down the road and see this guy do they associate all Christians with this guy? What about the ultra conservative that is interviewed on Fox News? He talks about how this country is going to hell because of its lack of faith and morals. Even if he is right is he painting a picture of what Christians are like?
I was reading in the Gospel of Luke and came to chapter 10. Jesus tells a story of what is well known as the “parable of the good Samaritan.” In this story I Jesus is trying to explain to a “scribe” or “lawyer” what it means to love your neighbor. This person is obviously a “religious” person who knows the God’s Law, goes to church, and does all the “right” things. In this story Jesus reveals not only His heart but also what should be the heart of all this who follow Him.
So, a Jewish man traveling on a road falls into the hands of robbers. He is beaten and robbed and left for dead. Two religious men pass by. One was a priest. He worked in the temple offering sacrifices and teaching God’s law. The other was a Levite who helped in the temple and would have known God’s law well. Both of these men knew in their mind everything they needed to know about God and His law. But both passed by on the other side of the man left for dead. They obviously had an agenda of some great thing they needed to do for God. The priest must have needed to get back to the temple to offer sacrifice or teach a lesson on Numbers 14 but for sure did not have the time or the heart to help the man.
Finally a Samaritan came by. A person hated by the Jews. This man did not even come close to the knowledge of the Bible that the previous two had. All this man had was compassion. This man sees a man suffering and in need and did what he could to help. Jesus says this is what it means to Love and God and Love your neighbor.
I believe this is what most of the body of Christ is like. Hearts full of compassion for hurting people. But it’s the ones on TV that paint the picture or image of all the other Christians. I believe the best way to share Christ with this dieing world is to love them. Love them with uncompromising compassion. The world does not need salvation as much as it needs to be loved and cared for. The church should be pioneering the way for compassion in this lost and dieing world.
I have been struck by the end of verse 33 of Luke 10 “And when he saw him, he had compassion.” When we see people in need are we moved with compassion? Jesus certainly was. If we are to be true followers of Jesus we must be moved with compassion for those who are hurting and in need in this world.
So will you join me in sharing not just salvation but compassion in this hurting world? We do not need to spread the world religion of Christianity but simply Jesus Love and Compassion.