Shelby Lynn

It was an amazing expirience! We left our appartment at 3:am thinking we had plenty of time. As we were driving to the hospital the contractions got closer and more consistant. After checking in and getting settled Shelby was born nearly an hour later. Jackie deliverd the

Her big sister Annalee loves her. She always wants to hold "baby, baby, baby." We came home two days later just in time to enjoy thanksgiving with out families. Thanks to all who were praying for a safe, healthy birth.

What Up Shane!!!
its warren cheely, bryan's buddy from cataylst. congradulations bro!!! hope all is well in your world and Jesus is teaching you some on the most amazing things in the entire world.
your little one is beautiful... both of your girls are. wish i could hold her... but next summer at lake powell ( i hope to be there :-)
congrats to both of you and blessings! we missed you all today at cmas tree cutting!
love you all -
Wow, blast from the past. It's Jennifer Wilkin (now Brunson). I can't believe that you have two precious babies and a beautiful wife! I can remember when we were kids watching zorro! I received this link through the grapevine. I am also married and have a 15 mo. old son named Connor and another one due in July. If you're interested, here are the pictures of my baby
Anyway...God Bless,
Shane - It's Stephanie Weems. I am sooo excited for you all. Shelby is beautiful!!! Tell Jackie I lover her.
you should post more often to your blog -- everyone loves to see updated pics of the kiddos!
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