Thursday, June 16, 2011

This is a test of the mobile blog app

Would I blog more if I could do it from my phone on the fo?

Friday, March 05, 2010


We having been having lots of fun around here. The sun has been shining, so lots of time outside makes for happy kids, happy mommy and happy puppies! My dryer broke so I have been relishing the forced clothes line drying method, which I love anyway. It is just easier not to cheat this way.
The puppies have been lots of fun and I will continue to rave about my decision to get two. It is so much easier as they keep each other company and play a lot together, making them less of a stress on my furniture and household.
We have been getting ready for the ball. That is so much fun! I will post pictures next week.
I found the best accessory shop in the world this week, Charming Charlies. I was in heaven. It is huge, organized by color, brilliant, and very reasonably priced. I was their twice in two days. Oh yeah!
Shane and I are in a fun time of marriage. You know how those times just get good all of a sudden. They weren't bad by any means, but they are just extra "good" right now.
I have been having a lot of fun with my little, "secret" which I will reveal soon, I promise. Let's see, what else...
I went back to cloth diapers and I forgot how much fun that was, as far as diapering goes.
I am seriously thinking about getting dreads. I have been wanting them for a long time. I am normally pretty impulsive, so I am trying to be patient with my decision.
We are preparing for an Easter Egg hunt on the 3rd out at our place. If you didn't get the FB invite and wold like to come, let me know.
Reece is thinking about mobility on his feet, although no steps have been taken. He does walk all around the living room while holding onto the furniture.
I have been in serious purge mode and got rid of my kitchen table, who needs two tables? I also purged my closet three times. I went through the kids clothes and have three big boxes to give away. If you want to look through them let me know! They are going to the Goodwill soon.
I am getting giddy with thoughts of Spring. Gardens, flowers, hanging clothes, breakfast on the front porch, running outside, races, bike rides, parties and plans, lots of plans! I love the seasons:)
I think that is about it. Really random I know, but I had to get it all out there. Remember I am trying to lesson my word burden on Shane:) Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Doing Missions When Dieing is Gain!

Have you ever been a missionary or on a missions trip were half the town in which you shared the Gospel believed and the other wanted to kill you?

Imagine with me that you are on a missions trip. You and a friend enter into a city you have never been before. You both have left friends and family to tell those who have never heard the message of Jesus. As you begin to preach Jesus the people of the city seem to be responding. You find some fellow believers and they welcome you into their home.

One day the city is up in arms, a riot is about to breakout. The town is divided, half believe Jesus and the others do not. All because of the message you brought. What kind of thoughts go through your mind in a situation like this? Do you think, “What have I done? It might have been better for me to keep quite than to cause a violent riot.” Then the people turn on you! A mob is forming with the intention of stoning you and your partner. You get wind of the plot and narrowly escape possibly due the aid given you by a few of those who believed. As you are fleeing the city, what kinds of thoughts go through your mind? “Did that family that helped me escape, the same family who accepted Jesus as their savior as I told them of His resurrection? What is happening to this family who fed and housed both me and my partner as we preached Jesus to the whole town? Are they being drug out into the street to be stoned? Did they escape as well?” You can only imagine what might be going through your mind as you and your partner escape. As you are running the Spirit leads you to yet another town.

In this town you preach Jesus and Him crucified to tall who will listen. As you are walking from place to place teaching, preaching, and compelling the people to believe in the resurrected Christ you see a crippled man, completely paralyzed from the waist down sitting on a mat listening ever so intently to your every word. You see tears begin to drop from this man’s eyes as you can see that this man believes. At once you shout to him, “Stand up strait on your feet!” At once the man leaps up completely healed and begins to walk! All the people who saw this great miracle begin saying to each other and shouting “the gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!” They call your partner “Zeus” and you they call you “Hermes” because you are the chief speaker.

At once the entire city is in an uproar! The pagan priest of Zeus runs into the temple and brings out garlands and animals to sacrifice to you. All the people begin bowing down on their knees singing and shouting out praises and worship to you and your partner. At once you become so enraged and furious that you tear your clothes and shout at the people, “Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men with the same nature as you and preach to you that you turn from these useless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all the things in them, who in bygone generations allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” Even after you and your partner say these things and plead with them to worship the Living God they still are reluctant.

After many days of preaching and teaching, there is much fruit for you labor. Many are accepting Jesus and committing their lives to Him. A church has formed! Elders and deacons are being appointed, and the people are gathering together in one place to worship Jesus and to hear the teaching of His word.

Then some powerful religious leaders from another town come in and are somehow able to persuade the people that you and your partner are evil and are misleading the people. They say that you healed the paralyzed man with the power of Satan. Again the people gather together in a mob seeking to destroy you. They burst into the place were you are staying and drag you out to of the city. There they hurl stones at you! Each stone is thrown with great force as they land on your back and on your legs. One angry person runs up and at close range launches a rock the size of a softball at your head. As you feel the concussion of the blow, your eyes become dizzy and you fall to the ground. The mob continues to pummel you with rocks until there is no longer any motion in your body. They leave your lifeless body on the middle of the road covered in your own blood.

A few hours later after the mob had dissipated your partner and some of the people who remained faithful come to fetch your body to bury it. When they arrived at the site of the stoning one of them, possibly the crippled man whom had been healed at your words says to the brothers, “the God whose power healed my legs has the power to raise this man from the dead. His work is not finished, there are many more who need to hear the name Jesus. Let us now ask this God to raise his servant.” So they all gathered around your body and at once you rise to your feet and walk back into the same city where you were just dragged out of.

That night you had a sweet time of fellowship with the brothers of this second town. You worship Jesus for all that He has done and is doing. You recline at the table, under dim light hoping the mob will not learn of your return, telling stories of the things that have happened to you and your partner while on your missions’ trip.

Can you imagine what it would be like to go through events like these? You are called to preach Jesus, a simple message of Him crucified and then resurrected. But the people misunderstand you and reject you, your message, and Jesus. Not only that one town plots an attack on you in which you narrowly escape and the other stones you to death.

Are you willing to risk our life to preach Jesus? Are you afraid to preach Jesus at Starbucks because you are afraid the people will drag you out to the middle of the street and stone you? Or are you afraid to preach Jesus because you think your friend will not think you’re cool anymore? Jesus is looking for radicals who will risk their lives and their coolness for the message of Jesus crucified and resurrected.

Will you be one?

This is where Paul and Barnabus found themselves on Paul’s first Missions trip. The first city mentioned is Iconium and the second Lystra. The biblical account is found in The Acts of the Apostles, chapter 14.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Shelby Lynn

Shelby was born at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska at 5:03am Sunday, November 20th 2005. Get this, Shelby was born on her originaly set due date (5% of babys are born on their actual due date) and on her mother Jacqulyn's birthday (I don't know the % sorry).

It was an amazing expirience! We left our appartment at 3:am thinking we had plenty of time. As we were driving to the hospital the contractions got closer and more consistant. After checking in and getting settled Shelby was born nearly an hour later. Jackie deliverd the babe completely natural (no meds). I am so proud of her!

Her big sister Annalee loves her. She always wants to hold "baby, baby, baby." We came home two days later just in time to enjoy thanksgiving with out families. Thanks to all who were praying for a safe, healthy birth.

Shelby Lynn, Born Sunday Nov. 20th 8lbs 15oz 21in

Monday, November 14, 2005

Holy Anointing Oil of God

God’s timing amazes me sometimes. In the last few months Jesus has said some things to me so profound and so timely that I have to just step away and be amazed. At the moment I am still trying to find a purpose for this blog. The last thing I want it to be is an online diary so I will steer clear of that.

I do however have to share this message I heard from a friend Josh Hotsenpiller. Just to give a quick back ground, I have been leading a college ministry in hopes that it would grow and really be used by God to reach college students. The short story is that I have been a little disappointed in the results. With that in mind, God through Josh’s explanation of Scripture, spoke to me a message of the Holy Anointing Oil of God. When you get 30 minutes you need go to Josh’s media link this is the synopsis of what the Holy Anointing Oil is from Exodus 30:22-25

Moreover the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 23“Also take for yourself quality spices—five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much sweet-smelling cinnamon (two hundred and fifty shekels), two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cane, 24“five hundred shekels of cassia, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. 25“And you shall make from these a holy anointing oil, an ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer. It shall be a holy anointing oil.

You need to listen to Josh’s teaching on this scripture it is excellent!

I’m not sure why God uses so much symbolism and that he can’t just tell us plainly. I’m sure there is a great theological explanation but for the moment I wonder why so much symbolism? Anyway here is what Josh says the symbols of the ingredients mean:

Myrrh: used for purification. God’s Holy Anointing requires Holiness
Cinnamon: Symbolizes obedience. God’s Holy anointing requires Obedience
Cassia: Picture of Humility. God’s Holy anointing requires Humility
Cane: a picture of brokenness. God’s Holy anointing requires brokenness
Olive oil: a Picture of Testing and Perseverance.

Again you need to hear Josh expound on these. So God said this is what I need to focus my attention. I have room to improve, to say the least, in each of these. Hope this encourages you as much as it did me.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Me and Annalee

I thought I would post a few pics of my beautiful daughter, Annalee.

Christian? What is that?

I have been thinking about the image of Christians in this country and around the world. What do people think about when they hear the word “Christian?” Do they think about that man or woman yelling into a microphone on TV? This person for sure does not appear normal. They yell and shout the “blessings” and the “mightiness” of God. With the crowd yelling back the preacher seems to catch the energy and seems to get louder and put greater emphasis on the pronunciation of his words.

What about the bull horn guy that stands on the steps of the Student Union at the college campus? When people hear the word “Christian” do they think of this man who yells at the crowd a message of sin and hell?

What about the person who stands on the street corner holding up the “God hates fags” sign? As people drive down the road and see this guy do they associate all Christians with this guy? What about the ultra conservative that is interviewed on Fox News? He talks about how this country is going to hell because of its lack of faith and morals. Even if he is right is he painting a picture of what Christians are like?

I was reading in the Gospel of Luke and came to chapter 10. Jesus tells a story of what is well known as the “parable of the good Samaritan.” In this story I Jesus is trying to explain to a “scribe” or “lawyer” what it means to love your neighbor. This person is obviously a “religious” person who knows the God’s Law, goes to church, and does all the “right” things. In this story Jesus reveals not only His heart but also what should be the heart of all this who follow Him.

So, a Jewish man traveling on a road falls into the hands of robbers. He is beaten and robbed and left for dead. Two religious men pass by. One was a priest. He worked in the temple offering sacrifices and teaching God’s law. The other was a Levite who helped in the temple and would have known God’s law well. Both of these men knew in their mind everything they needed to know about God and His law. But both passed by on the other side of the man left for dead. They obviously had an agenda of some great thing they needed to do for God. The priest must have needed to get back to the temple to offer sacrifice or teach a lesson on Numbers 14 but for sure did not have the time or the heart to help the man.

Finally a Samaritan came by. A person hated by the Jews. This man did not even come close to the knowledge of the Bible that the previous two had. All this man had was compassion. This man sees a man suffering and in need and did what he could to help. Jesus says this is what it means to Love and God and Love your neighbor.

I believe this is what most of the body of Christ is like. Hearts full of compassion for hurting people. But it’s the ones on TV that paint the picture or image of all the other Christians. I believe the best way to share Christ with this dieing world is to love them. Love them with uncompromising compassion. The world does not need salvation as much as it needs to be loved and cared for. The church should be pioneering the way for compassion in this lost and dieing world.

I have been struck by the end of verse 33 of Luke 10 “And when he saw him, he had compassion.” When we see people in need are we moved with compassion? Jesus certainly was. If we are to be true followers of Jesus we must be moved with compassion for those who are hurting and in need in this world.

So will you join me in sharing not just salvation but compassion in this hurting world? We do not need to spread the world religion of Christianity but simply Jesus Love and Compassion.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Life Journey

Life is like a journey. And let me say here that I love taking this journey with the faithful friends and family the Lord has given me. I really like viewing life like that, a journey. It makes sense in that life is a process. No one, including God expects me to have it all figured out, and that really the end of the journey begins in heaven and lasts forever. The Lord is so patient and loving to me. The Lord told me yesterday while I was umpiring little league baseball that I was being a baby. That it was easy for me to follow Christ when things were going my way. When “my” prayers were being answered and when I was “feeling” successful. The Lord laid it on me pretty good about crying to others and somehow making in God’s fault that things aren’t going the way I want them. He reminded me of what I had read from Erwin McManus in his book Siezing You Devine Moment that not even a Stalin or a Hitler could avoid doing God’s will even though they tried not to how could me, a follower of Christ, wanting to do his will, somehow miss it. He told me that He was in control and I needed to quite blaming Him and thinking that it was His fault.

I was watching We Were Soldiers on Saturday morning, mostly because I wanted to forget about being in ministry and wishing that I could be a courageous leader like Col. Hal More who is so courageous and heroic as he leads his vastly outnumbered army in victory against a tuff enemy. As I was watching I came to the scene were the Col. and his Sgt. Major are receiving their orders from the command post. The commander says “simple orders Hal. Find the enemy and kill em.” At that moment I said out loud, even though I was all alone in my living room, “that’s what I want God. Simple orders “find the enemy and kill em.” Of course at that point I was blaming God for somehow giving me complex, impossible to follow orders for ministry. And that God was somehow hiding both His will and His plan for me and the ministry. I was not at a point yet where I could listen to God. There was still too much pride in me. So God worked on me all weekend, he rebuked my pride in the fact that I was telling God, or at least expecting God, to do what I wanted in the ministry. My heart was broken by the rebuke but immediately I felt the grace of Jesus flood in and heal it.

Later Sunday evening Jackie (my wife) was home, back from her trip to Dallas. We were talking and I was telling her about the weekend’s events and what was going on in my heart and mind. I told her about everything that had happened and as I became frustrated again thinking about it I told her about the scene in We Were Soldiers movie and what I had told God. The next words that came out of her mouth were completely inspired by God. She said “God has given you simple orders Shane, ‘love Him and love His people.’” Wow, if I hadn’t been lying down already I would have been floored! Even now it brings back the emotions I felt as God pierced my heart with my wife’s words. It was as if I had heard God’s voice and it sounded just like Jackie’s. God has given me/ us simple orders. It’s what you told me the other day that I was not ready for. You said the most important thing is to walk with God, not do ministry or any other good thing. The most important is to know Him. You said we are not placed in this earth to do ministry. We are placed her to know Him and that is all. I find it comforting to know that the most important thing for me to do on this earth does not involve anyone else. It does not depend on other for me to know God. Of course it is vital in our knowing God that we interact with others and in fact I think that is a huge way to know God is to know Him through others. But what I mean is that I can focus my energies on knowing God and it does not matter if 20 or 200 people show up because it only involves me and Him. I can’t tell you how excited I am to receive these simple orders, “I want you to love Me, and love My people” God said. I love it when God speaks to me. I love it because I am always amazed. I am amazed how the Holy Spirit says exactly what I need to hear exactly at the right time and that involves a journey. This entire weekend was a little mini journey or chapter in the overall life journey.

Who are you sharing your journey with? I would never be able to navigate this life journey without faithful companions to help guild and encourage me. The Lord has given me faithful friends and family that I can share anything that is on my heart and they listen. They listen because they care and love me. If you have these faithful friends you need to share with them your hurts, questions, ideas, and excitements. Travel this journey with a handful of faithful friends, love the Lord together and love each other together.